With a host of new legislation affecting landlords being introduced over the years, this industry has changed dramatically;
so we did too!
To us, those changes did not present a stumbling block; they provided us with an opportunity - an opportunity to create for our Landlords what the rest will have to strive hard to follow.
“Property Solutions has created the future of property management!”
Letting fees, management fees, tenancy renewal fees, maintenance fees, maintenance costs, hidden costs now burdens of the past.
With Property Solutions, no longer will you be perpetually pestered for every slip-up, fumble or obstacle when it comes to your property. We will provide full general maintenance cover using our own fully qualified tradesmen - plumber, electrician, joiner/handyman - including parts and labour, with unlimited 24/7 call-out services as well as repair/replacement on appliances.
And just when you think we've finished… your gas safety certificates, annual boiler services and smoke alarms, all included! Yes; it's all covered under one package for one low weekly fee!
“Complete end-to-end management; completely stress-free!”
I decided many years ago to look after my own property. Big mistake!!
Once I got the devil out I went to a few agencies around the town. After expe...